So many colours!

This term we have focused our learning on a lovely story called, ‘WOW! Said the owl’ by Tim Hopgood. The story is about a little owl who stays awake in the daytime and finds beautiful colours in the world so we have also been finding, matching and exploring lots of colours at Froglets. We even spotted some rainbows 🙂

Brush Buses!

This week we have started brushing our teeth at school. We use brush buses to organise the brushes and to make sure everyone has their own. Each child has an allocated brush on a bus (red, green, yellow or blue) and after brushing their brush is returned to the right hole, ready for the next day.

We watch this video while we brush which reminds us what to do. It might help those reluctant brushers at home too!

The children have started so well and enjoy brushing their teeth at school – Well done Froglets 🙂


We have been focusing on fireworks this week… lots of us enjoyed seeing them over the weekend so we created our own fireworks pictures using glitter, paint, chalk and sparkles! We watched fireworks displays on the computer and talked about what we could see and hear… Wow – aren’t they beautiful!